Your cat in our game!!!

Cats Love Boxes

Fofiño and Lily are always in pursue of fun, particularly boxes! Help them to move the boxes around in this puzzle adventure! ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ

Hello hoomans! We're thrilled to offer you an exclusive opportunity to make your feline friends a part of Devcats' history through our upcoming game, "Cats Love Boxes". What's even more exciting is that [b]all proceeds from this campaign will go towards supporting cat shelters![/b] [h3]Introducing the "Cats Love Boxes" Photo Campaign![/h3] We're inviting you to submit pictures of your adorable cats nestled snugly within boxes, so they can be featured in our game! Your cat can join Fofiño and Lily in our latest adventure! [img][/img] [i]Here's an example of how it'll look. The featured cat here is tutored by our Discord community's own Amberylka.[/i] How to Join the Fun: ːlovecatː Buy our special "YOUR CAT IN OUR GAME!" product on Ko-Fi: To join in, all you have to do is buy our "YOUR CAT IN OUR GAME!" product on Devcats' Ko-Fi platform for the "Cats Love Boxes" campaign. Not only will your support secure your cat's spot in the game, but all the earnings from this campaign will be directed to cat shelters. 📷 Snap a Picture: Until January 20th, we'll be accepting submissions of pictures of your cats in boxes! ːcathspawː Be a Part of Our History: These pictures will be featured in "Cats Love Boxes"; be sure to read the rules of the campaign on our Ko-Fi website. Join Us on Patreon and Ko-fi: Devcats now has both Patreon and Ko-fi platforms! Support us beyond game purchases by joining our Patreon or treating us to a virtual coffee on Ko-fi. Your support fuels our passion for creating adorable and entertaining games. Patreon Link: Ko-fi Link: Let's make "Cats Love Boxes" an enchanting experience together. Join the campaign to support cat shelters, and let's celebrate the love between cats and boxes in the world of gaming! ːfofino2ː [b]Don't forget to wishlist the game![/b] [b]Note:[/b] [i]The "Cats Love Boxes" campaign is an exclusive Ko-Fi event. Check our Ko-Fi page for more information.[/i] Love & Purrs, The Devcats ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ