You repelled the attack of 156 million motivated!

Enlisted: Reinforced

In Enlisted, you are not only commanding a single soldier, but an entire squad! This MMO squad based shooter recreates the key battles of the bloodiest war of the 20th century, with hundreds of soldiers, tanks and aircraft taking part in each battle.

The massive and intensive battle is over, and all participants have received their well-deserved reward. Just look at what you were able to achieve together, commanders. Be proud of yourselves! [previewyoutube=fXjxG3RTLUw;full][/previewyoutube] We were also impressed with your results. We left all the game mode related resources in the client, so mod authors can continue tinkering with the mode. While we keep an eye on what you create, we will continue to discuss ideas for the mode with you as they arise. Leave yours ideas right in the comments!