You LOVE puzzling

Jigs4w3D Puzzle Challenge

Jigs4w3D Puzzle Challenge is a casual single-player experience. Chill, enjoy the immersive 3D environments and complete a fine selection of your favourite puzzles. Choose from different categories and solve all 31 puzzles on 5 difficulty settings for completely free or grab your favourite DLC.

Dear Jigs4w3D Fam, it's been a thrilling 5 days since we released Jigs4w3D Puzzle Challenge. Browsing Steam's deeply sophisticated statistics, we came to a conclusion, that ... ... you LOVE puzzling ... a lot ːB1ː [h3]Statistics[/h3] We have behind us many short nights, a major and three minor patches, a ton of replies and many-many smiles. Your results in the past 5 days [list] [*]25,075 copies were added to Your Steam libraries [*]5,397 of You tried the game already [*]we had 325 daily active puzzlers [*]your [b]median[/b] playtime ([i]based on 5,397 players[/i]) is [b]7 hours 59 minutes[/b] - this is insane - you really do love puzzling. [/list] We appreciate all of you who tried the game, supported us via [url=]purchasing our DLCs[/url], or gave us a feedback. We do not stop here, many free updates, puzzle packs, environments and features are coming, so stay tuned! We would like to make puzzling fun, so we are working on a couple of predictable, and also some never-seen puzzle features. So, let ... us ... cook ːcleanhourglassː [h3]Reviews[/h3] Despite all of these great stats, the number of reviews we have is something we definitely would like to improve. If you really like our game - as the stats show to us -, please take a minute to [url=]write a review for Jigs4w3D[/url]. We're continuously looking forward to receive your feedbacks, please [url=]let us know[/url] what features or improvements you'd like to see in Jigs4w3D! Stay Awesome, ːEdgarː