👑 Your Grace 👑
THIS is the time you have been waiting for!
We are pleased to announce that the closed Beta to Yes, Your Grace: Snowfall will be available on 10th of November at 4pm GMT!
**We cannot wait for you to get a taste of the excitement we have been feeling the past few months!**
What kind of king will **you** decide to be? Follow up with all your favourite family members and experience a sample of the amazing story we have in store for you!
SIGN UP HERE: [url=https://forms.gle/so1hqwZjRpPhi4Bm9]https://forms.gle/so1hqwZjRpPhi4Bm9[/url]
More details will follow in the next few days, in the meantime, join our [url=https://discord.com/invite/yesyourgrace][Discord][/url]
community to share your thoughts, questions and feedback.
Stay brave xx
Brave At Night Team