Here you can find the fixes for the Y9S3.2 patch.
[h2]Y9S3.2 PATCH SIZE[/h2]
Find the download sizes for each platform below.
[*]Ubisoft Connect: 943.3MB
[*]Steam: 556MB
[*]Xbox One: 2.66GB
[*]Xbox Series X: 2.85GB
[*]PlayStation®4: 3.347GB
[*]PlayStation®5: 985MB
[h2]BUG FIXES[/h2]
FIXED - Jackal loses visibility when Motion Blur is turned off if he takes damage while Eyenox Model III is active.
FIXED - Hitting Maestro's Evil Eye with a melee attack corrupts the texture.
FIXED - PCX-33 assault rifle has no rumble effect during a full reload when Controller Vibration options are turned on.
FIXED - The reticle of the Reflex C sight isn't centered on the SPAS-15 shotgun.
FIXED - Shield Operators are unavailable in the Weapon Roulette arcade.
FIXED - Deploying Kapkan's Entry Denial Device on any doorway or window displays a second deploy prompt during the animation.
FIXED - The End of Round replay shows the player who downed the last Operator of a team instead of the player who killed them.
FIXED - The Equip button is missing when viewing an owned item in fullscreen from the Pack Highlights section.
[h3]LEVEL DESIGN [/h3]
FIXED - Placeholder texture is present on the cans located on top of the vending machine in 1F Service Stairs of the Consulate map.
FIXED - Player can vault onto the crate stack in EXT Generator on the Nighthaven map and drop the defuser into an unreachable area.
FIXED - The equipped primary weapon of some Operators float behind them when previewing their default Victory Celebration in fullscreen.
FIXED - Skopós's V10-Pantheon Shells will place its shield behind itself if it switches into an idle state in a doorway with a lot of assets.
FIXED - Skopós's V10-Pantheon Shells doesn't have a death animation in the Kill Cam or End of Round replay.
FIXED - Corrupted model and texture of Skopós's V10-Pantheon Shells in the End of Round replay for the last-killed Attacker.
FIXED - When swapping Skopós's V10-Pantheon Shells, the arrows in the fantasy HUD point the wrong way and the swap doesn't occur.
FIXED - The shield of Skopós's V10-Pantheon Shells reattaches to the other side of the door frame after swapping Shells in the middle of a double door.
FIXED - Skopós's V10-Pantheon Shells will sometimes spawn without its shield.
FIXED - Sometimes the player will get stuck in a loading screen if they launch the Shooting Range from the Operator section during matchmaking.