Y1S4.1 Patch Notes

Update 4.1 brings a host of gameplay improvements, including an additional increase to warehouse space. This update also sees plenty of bug fixes, addressing many of the key issues reported by the Skull and Bones community. [h1]WHAT'S NEW[/h1] [h2]CALL TO ARMS[/h2][list] [*] The Shadow Legion spreads their dark influence over the region, unleashed by the pirate lord, Vikram Rajan, now even stronger than ever before. Rise and push back against the wave of threats lest the region fall under the weight of tyranny. [*] The new “[b]Matchmaking[/b]” tab is available in the journal for players to view available high-difficulty events.[/list] [img]https://staticctf.ubisoft.com/J3yJr34U2pZ2Ieem48Dwy9uqj5PNUQTn/1LqCkmyRtHqkHkCfFJkBAb/ca789fe5d0fcfc449d6a78bd94769753/Journal_Matchmake_Icon.png[/img] [list][*] Players can look out for the Season 4 Mythic World Event “[b]The Great Shadow[/b]” and start matchmaking via "[b]Start Call to Arms[/b]", which has a cost of [b]5 Pulsing Schaduw Remnants[/b]. [*] Matchmaking via "[b]Start Call to Arms[/b]" extends across different servers. [*] Obtain “Pulsing Schaduw Remnant” by defeating Vikram in these world events: “[b]Curse of the Schaduw[/b]” and “[b]The Looming Shadow[/b]”. [*] Once 6 players have been found, they will be transported to another instance where the Mythic World Event takes place. [*] Matchmaking may take place in groups, but all group members are each required to own the [b]5 Pulsing Schaduw Remnants[/b] to queue together as a group. [*] While the event is active with 6 players, participants will not be able to invite other players to join the event unless an existing participant drops out. [*] [i]Note: Should a player invite another player when there are already 6 players in the Mythic World Event, the invited player will only successfully be able to join if there is an empty slot or upon completion of the Mythic World Event[/i]. [*] [i]Following the conclusion of the Mythic World Event the instance will open, and other players will be able to join that instance.[/i] [*] Rewards: [*] Complete Wanted: Vikram Rajan (deadly) five times to complete the achievement: “Redeemer” and obtain the Ship Aura “Mournful Shades”. [*] Obtain Vikram’s Strongbox and gain Crystalized Tainted Wood, Pieces of Eight, a guaranteed Epic equipment, more Vikram vanities, and more![/list] [h2]MEGAFORT OOSTEN[/h2][list] [*] “Start Call to Arms” is now available on Megafort Oosten.[/list] [h2]INCREASED WAREHOUSE STORAGE[/h2][list] [*] The maximum capacity has been increased by 10 storage slots.[/list] [h2]IMPROVED RESOURCES OF TRADE ROUTES[/h2][list] [*] Added more Secondary Material loot drop to various Trade Routes across the map. [*] [i]Note: This applies to regular trade routes and not Merchant Convoy events.[/i][/list] [h2]IMPROVED REWARDS FROM TREASURE MAPS[/h2][list] [*] Increased Secondary Material amount looted from Treasure map hunts. [*] [i]Note: Live since S4 release.[/i][/list] [h2]IMPROVED REWARDS FROM CUTTHROAT CARGO[/h2][list] [*] Added Secondary Material and Ammunition as an obtainable reward. [*] Increased base silver amount earned. [*] [i]Note: Live since S4 release.[/i][/list] [h1]GAMEPLAY UPDATES[/h1] [h2]JETTISON UPON SUBSEQUENT DEATH[/h2][list] [*] The jettison loot that was dropped upon sinking the first time will not disappear upon subsequent deaths. [*] The jettison loot will disappear if player does not pick it up: [*] If the player changes servers [*] Within 60 minutes[/list] [h2]IMPROVEMENTS TO RECOMMENDED ACTIVITIES MENU[/h2][list] [*] Added new categories of activities to be recommended to players, including activities like Time-Limited Events and Smuggler Marks.[/list] [h2]WEAPONS[/h2][list] [*] Updated projectile of the Hellepoort to regular culverin ammunition visual effects.[/list] [h1]IMPROVEMENTS & BUG FIXES[/h1] [h2]EQUIPMENT AND PERKS[/h2][list] [*] Fixed an issue where the gear score of [b]Agni’s Fury[/b] is lower than intended. [*] Fixed an issue where the “[b]Phoenix Talons[/b]” cannon triggers '[b]Taunt[/b]' on friendly players while in PVE mode. [*] Fixed an issue that affected perks with the “increase charge rate” function: [*] [b]Decoy Deck[/b] - Increases the Charge Rate of the Taunted status effect on enemy targets by 7%. [*] [b]Rifled Barrel Workship[/b] - Increases Charge Rate of the Flooded status effect on a target by 6%. [*] [b]Cannonball-Charging Station[/b] - Increases Charge Rate of the Punctured status effect on enemy ships by 6%. [*] [b]Debris Locker[/b] - Increases Charge Rate of the Torn Sails status effect on enemy ships by 6%. [*] [b]Langrage Barrels[/b] - Increases Charge Rate of Torn Sails status effect on enemy ships by 8%. [*] [b]Quick-Igniting Powder[/b] - Increases Charge Rate of Ablaze status effect on enemy ships by 8%. [*] [b]Amber Coating Station[/b] - Increases Charge Rate of the Stormstruck status effect on enemy ships by 8%. [*] [b]Density Furniture[/b] - Increases Charge Rate of the Flooded status effect on enemy ships by 8%. [*] [b]Volatile Fuel[/b] - Increases Charge Rate of the Ablaze effect on enemy ships by 10%.[/list] [h2]HOSTILE TAKEOVER[/h2][list] [*] Fixed an issue where the Solo Hostile Takeover opportunity included multiple players in the same opportunity.[/list] [h2]CONTRACTS[/h2][list] [*] Fixed an issue where the contract objective for “[b]Cutthroat Secrets[/b]” did not update even after sinking “[b]Scurlock's Traitors[/b]” present near 'Jiwe' capital. [*] Updated the contract objective from "[b]Sink Phoenix Talon warships with Electric Damage[/b]" to the intended "[b]Sink Phoenix Talon warships with Stormstruck[/b]". [*] Fixed issue where the contract "[b]A Delicate Alliance[/b]" did not update to Plunder step if player travelled to location from the north of Fara capital. [*] Fixed an issue where the bounty contract "[b]Jaws of Retribution[/b]" was automatically failed upon accepting the contract. [*] Fixed an issue where group members' salvage of Auxiliary weapons did not count towards objectives of the job board contract "[b]Salvage Auxiliaries[/b]". [*] Fixed an issue where the NPC was not visible for group members at the second step of the contract, "[b]Voices from the Past[/b]". [*] Fixed an issue where the hourglass icon was not appearing on the HUD while playing as a group at the last step of the contract "[b]Voices from the Past[/b]". [*] Fixed an issue where the group members were able to "[b]Search for Clue[/b]" when ship is not present on the location while progressing in the contract "[b]Grim Tidings[/b]". [*] Fixed an issue where the rogue reinforcements spawn repeatedly during the contract “[b]Blood-Soaked Silver[/b]”. [*] Fixed an issue where the out of bounds timer duration is too short, players may end up experiencing mutiny if the player leaves the contract area in contract "[b]A Prized Possession[/b]".[/list] [h2]LOOT & RESOURCES[/h2][list] [*] Fixed an issue where the Cosmetic Chest did not unlock when player is about to receive the item which they already own. [*] Fixed an issue where players were able to jettison the “[b]Empowered Schaduw Fragments[/b]”. [*] Fixed an issue where the floating loot was not highlighted after completing the [b]Cross-Continental[/b] World Event.[/list] [h2]WORLD EVENTS[/h2][list] [*] Fixed an issue where the damage dealt by ships from the Rempah faction is lower than intended. [*] Fixed an issue where players can damage Vikram through barrier by using Crew Attack during "[b]Curse of the Schaduw[/b]" event. [*] Fixed an issue where Vikram Rajan's barrier resets when a player respawns at an outpost after the player was sunk during the event "[b]The Looming Shadow[/b]". [*] Fixed an issue where the torpedoes launched by “[b]Wolvenjager[/b]” deals less damage than intended.[/list] [h2]ACHIEVEMENTS AND CHALLENGES[/h2][list] [*] Fixed an issue where the value in the achievement's description did not match with the value displayed on the objectives for the achievement, “[b]Mortar Mastery II[/b]”.[/list] [h2]UI/UX[/h2][list] [*] Fixed an issue where the “[b]Store[/b]” button is missing after the player views the rules menu in the Smuggler Pass. [*] Fixed an issue in the codex where the values within the text descriptions of multiple furniture perks were different from the actual function. [*] Fixed an issue where the Remaining Distance displayed did not convert to countdown timer for the World Event “[b]The Plague King[/b]” after La Peste's Elite Warship reaches its destination. [*] Fixed an issue where the item refresh timer on the outpost vendors was stuck at 0s. [*] Fixed an issue where the incorrect subtext was displayed on certain upgradeable vanities in the Store. [*] Fixed an issue where the tutorial for the upgradeable figurehead did not appear upon obtaining the upgradeable vanity for the first time. [*] Fixed an issue where the player was unable to accept multiple contracts from the job board while using a controller. [*] Fixed an issue where players are unable to use the 'A' and 'D' keys view other rewards after using the mouse to navigate the Smuggler's Reward. [*] Fixed an issue where the mysterious orb is not visible when the players are more than 230m away from the orb location in the contract "[b]Wolves in the Water[/b]". [*] Fixed an issue where '[b]INVALID[/b]' text was appearing in the objective of the contracts "[b]The Spice Must Flow[/b]" and "[b]Twilight Keeper[/b]". [*] Fixed an issue where a persistent loading screen is present after the player interacts with the options button after starting Vikram's cutscene. [*] Updated the description of the “[b]Wicked Harvest[/b]” booster to include the duration of the booster effect. [*] Fixed an issue where the effect from “[b]Teuling's Guidance[/b]” furniture would show up as an empty icon on player's ship when it was active. [*] Fixed an issue where “[b]Invalid[/b]” text is present on the “[b]Lestari[/b]” Bounty while performing view in map from bounty selection page. [*] Fixed an issue where the countdown timer for “[b]Teuling's favor[/b]” was not removed upon re-entering the game after it expired. [*] Fixed an issue where overlapping text was present when previewing Smuggler Pass bundle while playing in the Japanese language. [*] Fixed an issue where the “[b]Call-for-Help[/b]” button is covered due to extended text regarding event information when playing in the Japanese language. [*] Fixed an issue where achievements were not visible on player card after another participating player hovers on the other participants in [b]Cutthroat Cargo[/b]. [*] Fixed an issue where the mark of gaining the item "[b]Destroyed Beacon[/b]" is not displayed during the contract "[b]Sable Refrain[/b]". [*] Fixed an issue where players were unable to select and accept the last contract in the list of job board contracts after accepting all other contracts present in list without exiting the Job Board menu. [*] Fixed an issue where Asnah's dialogue is captioned as Crew's dialogue for the dialogue at the end of the contract "[b]Grim Tidings[/b]" in English subtitles. [*] Fixed an issue where the Achievements icon was overlapping with the ship nameplate “[b]Helmlord[/b]” after equipping all 3 achievements while playing in the Russian language. [*] Fixed an issue where the hourglass icon was missing on the objective of the contract "[b]Harrowing Whispers[/b]". [*] Fixed an issue where the “[b]reactive[/b]” tags were missing from the upgradeable figureheads. [*] Fixed an issue where the Emote UI at the Cosmetics Shop does not update even after the player equips emote on Action Wheel in the Vanity Atelier. [*] Fixed an issue where the option for “[b]Call-For-Help[/b]” is cut off while in the map view of the world event "[b]The Spoils of War[/b]". [*] Fixed an issue where the “[b]Preview Exclusives[/b]” button in the Azure Solstice event menu is not functional via mouse click. [*] Fixed an issue where the “[b]Talk[/b]” option is present instead of the '[b]Interact[/b]' option when interacting with the Azurite Lodestone. [*] Fixed an issue where the “[b]Requires Infamy[/b]” prompt persists even when the player has higher infamy for the contract “[b]Call of the Azure[/b]”. [*] Fixed an issue where the text "[b]Choose ship list to access your fleet[/b]" overlaps with the items transfer window between the player's warehouse and cargo. [*] Fixed an issue where the main contract icon was not displayed on the Sacred Gems in the player's cargo while the contract "[b]A Forgotten Past[/b]" is empty. [*] Fixed an issue where the Smuggler Pass bundle description is not clearly visible again a light background image. [*] Fixed an inaccurate description for emergency sails in the French localisation. [*] Fixed an issue with the text display of the “[b]Sky Goddess[/b]” captain vanity set. [*] Fixed an issue where some pets are displayed twice in the Helm Offices. [*] Fixed an issue where the text in the contract "Destroy Dutch Towers" reads "Destroy Holland Towers" in German.[/list] [h2]CAMERA & GRAPHICS[/h2][list] [*] Fixed an issue where the fire effects from “[b]Head for Trouble[/b]” headwear blocked the view of the player when using first-person view on the ship. [*] Fixed an issue where the Sails Pattern did not match with the preview image when multiple sail patterns were equipped on Garuda Ship. [*] Fixed an issue where the visual effects of Vikram's Monolith persist after the player defeats Vikram Rajan during world event "[b]The Looming Shadow[/b]". [*] Fixed an issue with camera angles clipping with player ships while sailing on rough seas. [*] Fixed an issue where an unintended black smoke effect was present when a random world event was active. [*] Fixed an issue where “[b]The Great Shadow[/b]” captain vanity set was displayed in low resolution when previewing the set. [*] Fixed an issue where the wings of pet parrot Leif and Biru load with a delay when player releases aim while sailing. [*] Fixed an issue where the preview of Sail Patterns can be observed in Smuggler Pass rewards.[/list] [h2]GAME STABILITY & OPTIMIZATION[/h2][list] [*] Fixed a crash that occurred when players travelled to an event while the event is expiring simultaneously.[/list]