Wukong's Pool is available now and Wukong's Competition!

Wukong's Pool

Wukong’s Pool is a unique fusion of roguelike elements, poker strategy, and the gameplay of billiards. In this pool game, you take on the role of Wukong, the Monkey King, facing a series of challenges.

Hey guys, Wukong's Pool is now available! And we are thrilled to announce an [b]exciting competition[/b]! [h1]Wukong's Competition[/h1] Every player who ranks in the top 10 on [b]each [/b]global leaderboard will receive a mysterious gift. Game Mode included: [list] [*]Single poker mode [*]Multi poker mode [*]Speedrun mode [/list] End time: By July 7th 9:00 GMT So, gear up, dive into Wukong's Pool, and aim for the top! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/45044611/de188ceba982a417179d45a4f3dd4341178f7578.png[/img] If you encounter any issues during gameplay, feel free to reach out at ruizstudiogo@gmail.com.