Worlds Adrift 0.0.6 update

Worlds Adrift Island Creator

Worlds Adrift is a Community-Crafted MMO: each and every island has been crafted by our playerbase. With the free Island Creator tool, this is your chance to create your own adventure for the community to experience. A crumbling ruin, or a teeming jungle, help expand the edges of Foundation ever further!

Travelers! First of all, thank you for your patience, we are glad to share that 0.0.6 is now live. On the menu, you’ll find that we redesigned the logical game progression. This new approach is closer to what we envisioned for Worlds Adrift. The world is now divided into Biomes. As such, you’ll find the first four Biomes: Wilderness, Expanse, Remnants, Badlands separated by natural weather barrier. Each biome will have its own loot, resources, schematics, rewards & secrets to discover. One of the totally new gameplay features we’ve added is cooking. Forage berries or use a campfire to cook meat, you’ll need to regenerate your health by eating. More changes come under the form of the revamped sky core. You now have one sky core per ship that you can upgrade. Having one sky core per ship will allow you to have more space to customize your ship. You can now climb any surface making it easier to explore islands or simply have a higher point of view from your ship flag pole. You’ll also find the new “Global illumination” lighting change that will make Islands, caves and interiors look better than ever before. [img][/img] [img][/img] As usual, this is a new patch,with lots of new content and we would truly appreciate your comments & feedbacks below! [b]Full Patch Notes: KNOWN ISSUES & WORKAROUNDS [/b] [list] [*]Occasionally, after the client has been running for a few hours, approaching a new island will cause a 5-10 second freeze, after which the player will be thrown off the ship. Restart the client to fix. [*]Logging in onto a moving ship may result in the ship having moved out from under the character by the time the character loads in. [*]Climbing on very bent ship panels will do serious damage to the player: Avoid these for now. [*]The client will enter a ‘not responding’ state or crash occasionally: Restart the client to fix. [*]When taking control of a helm or cannon, a player will sometimes be seen in an incorrect place. [*]WiFi may incur problems: Best played on an ethernet connection for now. [b]NEW FEATURES IN ALPHA 0.0.6[/b] [*]Biomes have been added to the game, with the first four implemented. [*]Biomes determine loot tables, resources, schematics, and rewards. [*]Biomes determine creature variants and behaviors. [*]Biomes determine surrounding weather barriers. [*]Sandstorms have been added to the game. [*]The start of the game and key schematics have been revised, along with the Knowledge tree. [*]A rehaul to the atlas sky core has been implemented: ships are now restricted to a single core, which is upgradeable through attaching specific addons. [*]A completely revamped lighting solution for island caves and interiors has been implemented. [*]Creatures’ corpses can now be salvaged for meat, which can be cooked and eaten to regenerate player health. Harvesting trees also gives berries, which also regenerate health. [*]Objects abandoned on islands will eventually sink into the ground and decay. You may come across an island with the buried wreckage of another player’s adventures. [*]Lightning striking from the death clouds below will hit islands and excite the atlas within, burying some objects forever and bringing others to the surface. [*]Ships and ship parts have a new aesthetic; both materials and damage should now show properly. [*]Players can now combine the same resource of different qualities. The new quality is a weighted average of the two previous stacks. [*]Metal scrap deposits have had their placeholder art replaced with final assets. [*]Sails have had their placeholder art updated; animation and audio added. [*]Ancient revival chambers have had their placeholder potat - err, art - replaced with final assets. [*]Saborian databanks have had their placeholder art replaced with final assets; animation added. [*]Characters have gained the ability to climb. Press Q when near a surface or object and your character will grab on; WASD will control your climb. [*]Player respawn rules have been updated: timers have been added, random respawn is now limited to two uses per day and keeps you within the current zone, and respawning to any revival chamber now immediately severs your connection to your existing personal reviver. [b]NOTABLE BUGFIXES IN 0.0.6[/b] [*]Upon logging in following a crash, players will no longer constantly get reset to the pre-crash position and state. [*]When approaching a new island, the client should now only rarely freeze for a notable amount of time. There will still be little hiccups that will be optimised away in a future update. [*]Players, when ragdolled, will no longer exert extreme forces with their limp body. [*]Cannon shells should no longer rubberband, causing havoc on their own ships. Their damage calculations have also had various bugs fixed. Rendering objects on islands has been significantly optimized. Framerates should increase noticeably. [*]Ships rubberbanding while flying has been significantly reduced. [*]Building parts onto the hull of ships will no longer result in extreme framerate degradation. [*]Many situations where ships or ship parts silently stopped functioning (fuel tanks being a common example) have been fixed. [*]Sometimes the connection menu would lay over the in-game screen, making it impossible to play. This has been fixed. [*]In-game broadcasts have been fixed; messages, including those notifying players of an upcoming maintenance, should be visible again. [*]Trees should no longer duplicate when chopped. [*]Mysterious clumps of metal or eggs should no longer spawn at specific points in the open air. [*]Ships should no longer log out when docked to the shipyard - regardless of the status of players. [*]Islands with missing assets now have them showing appropriately. Murals now show their logograms correctly. [*]This is pretty small in the grand scheme of things, but large in the minds of shipbuilders everywhere: the Artificial Horizon placement has been fixed!