With the Christmas sleigh to the peak | Insurmountable Christmas Blog


Confront various terrains as a lonely mountaineer and endure the countless dangers of climbing! Many tough decisions await you in a risky environment. Make your way up and down the mountain, overcoming insurmountable heights!

Greetings, Mountaineers! Today let’s get into the Christmas spirit together. This special Christmas Blog is less about content, and more a note of thanks with a few beautiful Christmas pictures. Let's dive into this small but very pretty round. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38477297/e11ee583e130bdf3c49a214fd2aebdd15ecfdc3c.png[/img] This year was just fantastic for us. As a small indie developer, we could have never have imagined how many people would love our game. We were always happy about constructive criticism and kind words. And we say it in every Dev Blog and also here again: Thank you for reading our Dev Blog. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38477297/9d092f3924302a22923f953d36299f4a6cd8eaff.png[/img] Here are some beautiful pictures of Insurmountable. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38477297/395fe21cda95f4fcb0b33af702062533a2d7db39.png[/img] To give our Dev Blog readers a little gift, we've included some nice wallpapers in this post. If you want to download them bundled, you can use the [url=https://we.tl/t-iPs9scXmNP]link[/url] to get all three wallpapers here. We hope you like them. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38477297/c38b2d13237b4d46063c7f5f7b664644638f6ed5.png[/img] However, we have a small request for you. Indie DB is currently letting the community vote for the Indie of the Year 2021. We already made it to the TOP 100 with your help. Now we need your help once again to bring home the award. We would be happy if you could leave a vote for us. You can find our IndieDB page [url=https://www.indiedb.com/games/insurmountable]here[/url]. If you want to support us and be part of the community feel free to follow us on [url=https://twitter.com/insurmountgame]Twitter [/url]or join our [url=https://discord.gg/sxbVgZ3HfZ]Discord[/url]. There you can also send us your ideas, suggestions and wishes for the game or discuss these ideas with the other members. We hope you can overcome the insurmountable in your life. Have a nice day!