Wild Honesty: A party game for deeper conversations

A party game for deeper conversations where you’ll push the boundaries of friendships to be more emotionally open and vulnerable. Share thoughts, opinions, and feelings in a more meaningful, challenging, and mindful way. Be seen and heard for who you truly are, and build closer relationships.

[previewyoutube=msyMgbmgQD0;full][/previewyoutube] A jolly old man in a red hat accidentally mixed the coal in with the gifts this year - we've got a whole new question pack filled with equal parts hard and fun questions about the holidays! This question pack's themes are Gifts, Loved Ones, and Winter. Joining too are another ten animals, mostly with a thick layer of fur to keep out the cold, and a new in-game news feature to let you know any time we release new free content or if the servers go down. We figure that's something worth alerting players of! But if that's a gift you don't want - just let us know in the Steam community discussion board. We only plan to use it about once a month for the new gameplay packs, and possibly server outages. For now though - you've got another 50+ new questions to check out! And if you do try this pack for the any visits home or friendly gatherings, let us know how it went in the comments. We're always looking to improve! Happy holidays!