Winter Contacts

魔女酒馆 Witches Tavern

Witches Tavern is a simulated business game that integrates tavern management, cosplay, love development and other elements. As the new boss of the witches tavern, you will meet all kinds of friends in this magical city of Venesia and start a full and extraordinary life.

Minerva "......" "It's been a while, my friend!" "With the experience from last time, it surely went smoother this time around!" "Our magic world is even closer to completion! We also have two new characters ready to meet everyone." (A sound of rummaging through piles of paper. Two sheets of paper are then pulled out and placed on the table) Minerva "Introducing… Helena and Aries!" "Let's get a sneak peak of their daily life in the magic world!” [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43111665/1c3e50568d8ef8611aae4ef0bc58712bafe9c850.png[/img] Helena "Data report complete. That should leave a satisfying note to the research of Winter Star research." "Time for a little break… How about re-reading Anglin's Mist?” Minerva "The life of a researcher is always busy, and scholars in the magic world are no exception. Except the magic part - the delicate instruments and complex nouns." "After being assigned to the Magica Workshop as a witch, she finally had more free time to devote herself to her favorite study of astrology." "Next ...... let us shift our attention to the forests of Vinexia." [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43111665/88d4a1a050fbff54b208c9495261ef1fb8a8eb57.png[/img] Aries "......" (Aries' eyes are glued to the prey ahead, drawing her bowstring taut and holding her breath.) (In a flash, the arrow flew from the string. The prey collapsed with a thump that stirred a flock of frightened birds.) Minerva "Aries is a highly skilled hunter. Several years ago, she appeared on the outskirts of Vinexia and has lived in the forest ever since." "Don't be driven away by her cold exterior, she will rush to help whenever someone in the forest is in danger." (Sound of papers being organized) Minerva "So, that's pretty much the end of today's program." "On a freezing day like this, I'd do anything for a steaming hot bowl of pasta covered in tomato sauce." "Well, I look forward to our dinner together."