Why wishlists are very important for us

What Lies in the Multiverse - Prologue

Experience the first hour What Lies in The Multiverse. A bombastic puzzle platformer about worlds turned inside out. Shift dimensions at the push of a button, solve brain-twisting logistical riddles, and race through the wilds of the multiverse in a bleakly & hilarious story.

Indie-loving Twitter users will know that each week indie devs everywhere hop on the #WishlistWednesday train, sharing links to their game's Steam page. The trend is always popular because, as you probably already know, wishlisting a game on Steam helps the developers, but do you know how? Let's take a look, shall we? What exactly does hitting that beautiful green button do for both the devs and the players? [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41776195/6b7be4ca85491430453573351bc88d942f994763.png[/img] [u][b]For the Players[/b][/u] [list] [*] Once you have hit the button, Steam will keep you in the loop about the game. Any events or announcements will show at the top of your library under the What's New heading. [*] You will be alerted when the game launches so you don't have to try to remember release dates. [*] Once the game has launched you will be alerted whenever it goes into a sale, and who doesn't love a bargain, hey? [/list] [u][b]For the Developers [/b][/u] [list] [*] The wishlist function provides useful data on a game's player base, pre-launch. Valve's Tom Giardino spoke with GamesIndustry.Biz's Marie Dealessandri back in May 2020 and talked about how "Looking at that data can indicate how much pent-up demand there is for a game, shed light on the value of a marketing effort, measure the impact of a price change, or help make future product decisions.". [*] It helps developers estimate how well the game will sell. [*] The more wishlists a game has the more Steam will show your game to new players in places like Top Wishlists, the Discovery Queues, and more. It is generally thought that if you hit 10k+ wishlists then Steam will put your game in the Popular Upcoming section, right on the store's front page, during your launch week! However, there are other factors that affect this. [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41776195/5f6149f77f91936c5cc30879c5d9fce6a0ec5684.gif[/img] [u][b]Help Us Out[/b][/u] This is by no means a full and exhaustive list, but at least you can see the impact that gorgeous green button can have. So with all this in mind, we have noticed that this Prologue page is getting more traffic than the full game's, and we wanted to ask that if you enjoyed your time in the multiverse, could you please head over to the full [i]What Lies in the Multiverse[/i] store page and smash that wishlist button? https://store.steampowered.com/app/1721170/What_Lies_in_the_Multiverse/ Thank you for your support. This community is awesome! If you want to know more about wishlists check out the Marie Dealessandri [url=https://bit.ly/GIBwishlist]article [/url].