Which MIGO game has the best villain?

Murder Is Game Over: The Blackinton Curse

A new stand-alone murder mystery in the Murder Is Game Over series. Can you break the 150-year-old family curse before it claims another victim?

In [url=https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/3046150/old_view/4342117228499739510?l=english]part 1[/url] of this reflective series, I discussed why I was pleased with the exploration in the original Murder Is Game Over title. It’s been said that the quality of an action / adventure story lies in the quality of the story’s villain, and certainly murder mysteries want to have a nasty antagonist for the heroic detective to outsmart. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/45093116/41404511b7a5cd9009c503e7adaab5b104879770.jpg[/img] [b]Best villain – Murder Is Game Over: Streaming Death[/b] I really enjoy the ending scene of this game, when the detectives trap and capture Elias Abel’s ghost, explain how it was done, and ultimately unmask our true killer and criminal mastermind. I worked especially hard writing the scene where the murder happens, and wanted to make the player’s skin crawl when they had that experience. I watched a streamer react exactly the way I was hoping players would react, so in that sense I accomplished that creative writing goal. The victim in this case is a sweet young girl who was dedicated to helping people, so it feels rewarding when her heinous murderer gets their deserved comeuppance. The villain in Streaming Death feels daring, bold, and resourceful and makes for a worthy adversary. This person created a spooky hologram, donned a ghostly disguise attempted to take down the detectives themselves, and planned as meticulously as possible to hide their crime. Once this character is cornered by the police, they even threaten to get their high-priced lawyer involved. If you played Murder Is Game Over: Streaming Death hopefully you got the chance to outwit this memorable cold-blooded killer. Coming next: Which game has the best atmosphere?