When They Arrived v0.73.

When They Arrived

Alan went hunting in his grandfather's country house. There was an invasion of the aliens. Cities are destroyed. You need to use survival skills and ingenuity to survive and save the planet. Build, explode, explore the world, develop your skills, try all ways to stop the aliens invasion."What would I do after the alien invasion?

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/32805016/292784391d9ecd43e6cf9c2856b4e43cc7de7b83.png[/img] - added hours, showing the time in the game; - Added the ability to build and destroy a variety of buildings; - added a map of the terrain, you need to find all of its fragments, so that it is displayed in full; - added a new system for saving and loading loot items and your buildings (now all the changes you made to the game will be saved by 100%); - fixed bugs with endless meat and bonfire; - The sound is corrected, something became louder, something is quieter; - Added new tips; - fixed some errors in the plot, and some syntax errors; - added new crafting recipes; - Added more places where the protagonist can sleep; - The sleep system is fixed; - added several new loot items.