When the Past was Around - Coming on Sep 22, 2020!

She and the Light Bearer

She and the Light Bearer is a point and click adventure game, a poem, a fairy tale. Take a journey inside a vibrantly colored forest, meet silly creatures, listen to serene folk music, and discover somber secrets.

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/5485678/fc8b824047bbdf28662d8f9aa9501219332f9128.png[/img] Frem the creators of [i]A Raven Monologue[/i] and [i]Coffee Talk[/i]. We are very delighted to announce that our project, [b]When the Past was Around[/b] by Mojiken Studio and Toge Productions will be available on Steam on September 22, 2020. When the Past was Around is an adventure puzzle-escape game about love, loss, moving on, and letting go. Experience the ups and downs with Eda and Owl. Watch the announcement trailer here: https://youtu.be/0Ayvr0pILnU Follow and wishlist the game now! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1164050/When_The_Past_Was_Around/ If you've played our previously released game, [i]A Raven Monologue[/i] and [i]She and the Light Bearer[/i], you will enjoy this game as well. Wish us luck for the release! Have a great day/evening! - - - - - Follow us on Twitter! http://twitter.com/togeproductions Join our community! http://discord.gg/toge