Welcome to the My Newspaper community

My Newspaper

Become a journalist and earn money while developing your skills. Think carefully about your career path as it can have both negative and positive effects. You decide what is truth and what is false, news or fakenews

[i][h1]Hello Journalists![/h1][/i] Welcome to our Newspaper company ːsteamhappyː, here we will inform you about our progress on game, we are happy to start playtest and we are already working on DEMO, we can't wait for your feedback it will help us to develop My Newspaper. [i][b]Join our community and share your feedback with us and other community members![/b][/i] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42878040/cc79cfecfb67cb530c7ad3d48e2aac37267c377b.png[/img]