Welcome to Steam's Mystery Fest 2023

Alice is Dead: Hearts and Diamonds

A point and click noir mystery, set in a grim and corrupt Wonderland. Alice is Dead: Hearts and Diamonds is a complete remake of the classic Flash game trilogy, including all new art, added puzzles, expanded lore, and plenty of secrets for old and new fans alike.

[h2]Alice is Dead[/h2] The Steam Mystery Fest felt like a perfect opportunity to update everyone on the development of [b]Alice is Dead: Hearts and Diamonds[/b]. Last year, the team was grinding out development, trying to hit some fairly ambitious deadlines. BUT... We quickly came to realize we were losing sight of the game. Alice is Dead was first made by a pair of friends, largely winging their storytelling, and attempting to tie it all together afterwards. This free-wheeling energy led to many fan-favorite additions to the series. Trying to structure development was blocking off the freedom needed to expand the game in ways that felt true to the originals. [h2]Development[/h2] Here is the current state of development: This new [b]Demo[/b] is a near [u]1:1 remake[/u] of the original Episode 1. Our goal here is to drum up some interest, show off Hyptosis' stellar new artwork, and give a taste of how the game looks and runs on a modern engine. The eventual Full Version will have other new content to explore! After some playtesting among friends and family, we also quickly came to learn: Flash game point and clicks are NOT the same as commercial releases. Duh'doy, I know! Browser point and clicks were player by players who knew the precise rules and interactions of that subgenre. Dropping that as-is in front of modern PC players, and they're totally lost. We need to find ways to bridge that gap! [h2]What's Next?[/h2] That said, development has shifted down a gear. While care is being taken to preserve and improve the storytelling and continuity of the series (winging it led to a few contradictions) - rushing things was doing us no favors. This also means we no longer have a projected release date. More will be shared in due time, and thank you for your patience! [u]Please don't forget to [b]Wishlist[/b]!![/u] https://store.steampowered.com/app/1826770/Alice_is_Dead_Hearts_and_Diamonds/ [h2]More?[/h2] And a shoutout to our friends over at Misty Mountain Studio. Their new game, [b]Death Trick: Double Blind[/b] is also taking part in the Mystery Fest, and it's looking [i]phenomenal[/i]! Between the detailed art style, mystery storytelling, diverse and unique characters, playing card motifs, and an Alys of their own (who was named after the Wonderland character!) this game is certain to appeal to AiD fans! https://store.steampowered.com/app/2254710/Death_Trick_Double_Blind/