Welcome to purchasing Kurisu!!


A super simple audio, video, and image processing and transcoding software. So simple that you just need to type out your requirements!! "Ahhh, help me convert this hilarious iconic video clip into a GIF!!" With this software, such an operation can now be completed with a single swipe!!

[b][h1]Welcome to purchasing this software!![/h1][/b] Kurisu is a natural language-based audio, video, and image processing tool built on FFmpeg. Here, we will introduce what Kurisu/FFmpeg can do. [h2][b]About FFmpeg[/b][/h2] FFmpeg is a leading multimedia framework, able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter, and play almost anything that humans and machines have created. It supports the most obscure ancient formats up to the cutting edge formats. Whether they were created by some standards committee, the community, or a corporation, FFmpeg can handle them. ————Excerpt from FFmpeg's official website (https://ffmpeg.org/) [b][h2]What Can Kurisu Do[/h2][/b] Kurisu can perform most of the functions listed above that FFmpeg can do. Therefore, when using it, you can check what FFmpeg can do. Typing in commands based on what FFmpeg can accomplish will increase your chances of success and accuracy. Because if your request is something that FFmpeg cannot do, then the results are likely to not meet your expectations. If your request is something that FFmpeg can do, then using it should be quite comfortable. If your description is detailed and professional enough, the success rate will greatly increase. If it is too vague, the AI might not understand your intent. [b][h2]Based on FFmpeg?[/h2][/b] Yes. The core functionalities are all accomplished by FFmpeg. This program also adheres to the protocol and is open source under the GPLv3 license at https://www.github.com/mcdfsteve/kurisu . [b][h2]What to Do If It Malfunctions?[/h2][/b] Those who have used ChatGPT should understand; you can try several times or change the keywords. If you have any questions or encounter any bugs, you can visit www.dfsteve.top.