Welcome to Knightfall: A Daring Journey!

Knightfall: A Daring Journey

Two knights, a strong bond, and a long journey. Take up the race for the rose, ride from town to town and take shelter before nightfall by any means necessary! If your bond is strong and your horse drifts well, you can be the recipient of the fabled rose. Luckily you brought guns!

Welcome to Knightfall: A Daring Journey! Every year we, Landfall, make a game or other event for April Fools day, Knightfall: A Daring Journey is this year's contribution! [b]We want to set your expectations about the game’s future from the get-go so please read the following: [/b] Knightfall: A Daring Journey is not a games as a service game, which means that it most likely will not have continuous content updates, cosmetics or battle passes etc. The game was made in five weeks by a small team and is currently not our main project. We will of course be doing bug fixing and server maintenance in order for the game to run the best way it can and maybe an update or two if the team is excited about the project. With that said, let's get drifting!