Welcome to Elk Comes to Linux!

Welcome to Elk

True stories told by real people. Welcome to Elk transforms the weird, wonderful, dark and desperate tales of the road less-traveled into an inventive, biographical adventure. This is an island like no other where drama, trauma, love and laughter hide around every corner.

[h3]Dear Elk Tourist 💌[/h3] We've just released a patch that brings [b]Welcome to Elk to Linux[/b]! Until February 17, Welcome to Elk is 20% off to celebrate. (That's not the only platform it's launching on but we won't talk about that here... 🤫) Please note: Welcome to Elk is not automatically able to use Proton, so you must enable it manually to play the game. [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/1015940/discussions/0/5034464604292281360/]Instructions on how to do that can be found here.[/url] Please let us know if you have any questions. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/34958233/b47c06dac48c7ceb2b1ffd67337192e90c1e927a.gif[/img] [h3]Share a Story with Us[/h3] If you haven't already, you can join us for a chat on [url=https://discord.gg/ehvS5U4]Discord[/url] or keep an eye out for some big news on our [url=https://twitter.com/TripleTopping]Twitter[/url] soon 👀 [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/34958233/a3eb81b5b23167bb958aa6d1aaca9b85b413ec77.png[/img] [h3]Patch Notes:[/h3] [b]Added[/b] [list] [*] Text scaling throughout the whole game. Can be changed from options or the settings menu. [*] Saving icon that shows while the game is being saved. [*] Game saves are now synced with Steam Cloud. [*] Enable Proton support for Linux. [*] Add support for Apple Silicon [*] Squishy blue easter egg. [*] Running and honking easter egg. [*] Big easter egg that likes to hide near running water. [/list] [b]Changed[/b] [list] [*] Small performance improvements. [*] Quit-button is now disabled while the game is saving. [/list] [b]Fixed[/b] [list] [*] Problem where controllers wouldn’t work if multiple controllers are connected. Ex. if you have a joystick or steering wheel connected, but want to play with a gamepad. [*] File progress not updating when deleting save. [*] Completed saves having a progress off 99% instead of 100% (thanks franplants!) [*] Bug where players could get stuck on the faces game, when using all stickers on the first balloon. [*] Bug where golfball wouldn’t fire on some controllers. [*] Korean fonts being grey in the menu. [*] Various fixes to translations. [*] Fix videos not playing through Proton on Linux. [/list]