Manage your own supermarket! Organize and restock shelves, check customers out, make local trade deals, and befriend a quirky cast of characters. Salvage a failing shop in the once-thriving town and grow it into a thriving business empire. But be warned: not everyone in town wants you to succeed.
[h1]Greetings, shopkeeper![/h1]
Welcome to this first announcement, we're pleased to have made your acquaintance.
We're Crinkle Cut Games, a tiny three-person team based in Copenhagen, Denmark. We like games and supermarkets, so now we're making a supermarket game!
Keep up with updates on development on [url=] Twitter[/url] or right here on Steam.
We'll provide frequent updates on the development. Make sure to [u]Wishlist[/u] and [u]Follow[/u] this page!
The release is still some time away, but for now, you can enjoy these cute cars our artist has been working on recently.
- Crinkle Cut Games