Welcome The World of Bistun!

The Tale of Bistun

The Tale of Bistun follows an amnesiac stone-carver on his journey up the slopes of the Mount Bistun. He’ll have to battle legions of monstrous foes using fast-paced, melee combat and powerful magical abilities as he explores the real world and the mysterious place, known as the Revelations Realm.

Welcome to [b]The World of Bistun[/b] – a short presentation of main pillars of our game. It will focus on three main groups: art, story and music. Let's start with the art, and its first topic: enemies. Taking into consideration that [b]The Tale of Bistun[/b] is an action-adventure game, you can expect to face many diverse opponents on your way. To make your task a bit easier, we have decided to introduce different kinds of enemies that you may fight. There are 6 types of enemies: [b]Ghoulche[/b], [b]Parry[/b], [b]Deevche[/b], [b]Gariban Var[/b], [b]Velgard[/b], and [b]Guardian Deev[/b] [b]Ghoulches[/b] mostly attack in numbers, they try to surround the player and then perform an attack. They are inspired by [b][url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jinn]Jinns[/url][/b] and are in a way equivalent of [b]Goblins[/b] in the western culture. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40733687/de012d45d83cc415e2c9a04f217660f71cbef63f.jpg[/img] [b]Deevches[/b] are tough melee enemies. They assault with their sticks and follow the character faster than other enemies. In Persian mythology and folklore, there are a lot of [b][url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Div_(mythology)]Deevs[/url][/b]. Almost all of them are demonic, they resemble different kinds of wrongdoings. They have hooves, horns, and rock-tough bodies. They are kind of [b]Demons[/b] equivalent in the western mythology. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40733687/7376b4ecce3f1147f9914311d29949972360e43d.jpg[/img] [b]Parries[/b] float over the ground. They try to avoid direct contact and cast magical homing orbs from the distance. Just like [b]Deevs[/b], [b][url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peri]Parries[/url][/b] are another sort of mythical creatures. They are mostly described as female spirits, that seduce men and kill or harm them. There are also beliefs that watching or listening to [b]Parries[/b] will cause insanity and losing mind control. You can compare them to [b]Witches[/b] in western mythology. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40733687/bdc478b45a0a522acf70d7dab97e5408758bddd6.jpg[/img] [b]Gariban Vars[/b] are soldiers that carry a shield and a spear. They’re invincible, as long as their shield is not broken. They have two assault variations, point attack and spear swing. [b]Garibanvar[/b] is the name of a special unit in the [b][url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_of_the_Sasanian_Empire]Sassanid army[/url][/b]. They have real historical references. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40733687/a08387cf5b8984d3cdc07993130b1a15114d6ee9.jpg[/img] [b]Velgards[/b] are another ranged enemy, that chuck rocks at the player. However, once our character reaches them, they will resort to melee attacks with use of a dagger. They are resembling people that mocked and laughed at [b]Farhad[/b] in Persian stories. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40733687/4ec053c635f3ee4b97421b15aabed784816bdc2b.jpg[/img] [b]Guardian Deevs[/b] are rare variants of deevs that are huge, slow, and extremely powerful. They attack with their mighty club. They can also slam the character with their feet. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40733687/2d438c304db4229afde1719bc8cbbe6f380b39ad.jpg[/img] Thank you for your attention! Let us know in comments how you like the art of our "baddies". And if you feel like it, please try to create the art for other "bad guys" inspired by The Tale of Bistun and Persian culture! You can add it to artwork section in our community hub here on Steam and we will create a gallery out of the best works. We will also present them during our release event – details soon! Please remember to join our Discord channel and add our game to your whishlist! All the best for you! BCG Team