Weekly Discord challenges

Invisible Fist

Create a billion-dollar startup, try to pay off your student loans or wait in the line for Food Stamps... And fight the Invisible Fist of the Free Market in this Late Capitalism Card Game!

Attention! 💥 Achtung! 📢 Uwaga! 💣 [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/33928142/5e6d0c857ca48ae068eb8ce840ce60543de70960.png[/img] We are starting our brand new shiny series of [b]weekly competitions[/b]! The rules are not rocket science. Sorry, Elon! 1) Join our Discord channel - https://discordapp.com/invite/MJJvvgW 2) Send us your photo and a short description (as in the example of one of our games characters, Rena) and we will choose one and magically create YOUR OWN ID CARD (with the hands of our unpaid interns). Ready? Set. GO! 🔫🏁