WEEK LONG DEAL offer ends 23 April

Super Pixel Racers

Featuring simple and satisfying drifting and nitro mechanics, Super Pixel Racers lets players race it out in numerous modes from classic Rally to pixelated mayhem in Takedown.

[b]WEEK LONG DEAL will be over soon![/b] Do check your wish list and purchase [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/501020/Super_Pixel_Racers/]SUPER PIXEL RACERS[/url] while at a special price! The game lets you hop straight into the driver’s seat, but advanced features let players customize their racing experience even further. Your winnings let you purchase new cars of individual driving quality and upgrade schemes, from a pixelated F500 to your very own 16-bit Lancer Evolution. [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/34334661/1409aeaf60b2c19b929fa0407be391941cd6c313.jpg[/img]