Week 1 Hotfixes Report!

Chicory: A Colorful Tale

A top-down adventure game in a coloring book world full of vibrant characters. Use painting powers to explore, solve puzzles, make friends, and draw on anything! From creators on Wandersong + Celeste.

Since our [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/1123450/Chicory_A_Colorful_Tale/]previous bugfix report[/url], build has gone from to [b]Changes:[/b][list] [*] *Saves now create a backup file to hopefully mitigate the extremely rare case where it saves incorrectly/corrupted on PC [*] Rainforest flowers now have a much higher priority to receive clicks even when the player is standing on/in front of them. This also makes bombs easier to operate when combined with these. [*] Added button shortcuts for Undo/Redo and made the buttons interactable for co-op players [*] A certain NPC who gives you litter for accomplishing something obscure will now give it to you on any interaction after you've beaten the game [*] Lowered the fill % requirement for the wall mural in Dinners [*] Added 1680x945 resolution [*] Increased the distance from which you can interact with Couscous slightly so the player doesn't walk out of it during conversation [*] Increased Clementine's interact priority while in your parent's house so she's easier to interact with next to your painting [*] Save & Quit saves the player's "respawn" point rather than current position. This prevents a lot of issues with Saving and Quitting while in unusual locations. [*] Reduced time taken by flushing textures (something the game does regularly to limit memory growth) [*] Reduced memory used in general [*] Changed the name/design for an NPC and adjusted their house layout [/list] [b]Fixes:[/b][list] [*] Bad memory leak when visiting the screen with Pickle's house [*] Crash when loading a corrupted/incorrect custom stamp file [*] Save and Quit while standing on glowy cave worms would cause you to go out of bounds on load [*] Fixing the above accidentally introduced an issue where all cave worms were non-collidable until you got glow paint, which we fixed a day later, lol [*] *Bombs / the player can push each other out and into weird places when riding on a flower, platform. [*] *Rare freeze during the 3rd boss encounter [*] *Rare crash when deleting decor [*] Jumping diagonal-down across a screen boundary while swimming in water next to an elevated area would allow you to get out of bounds [*] Pickle's paint is invisible during a later segment of the game [*] Adjusted UI text on some screens which erroneously displayed inputs for co-op players [*] Skipping Cutscene while a drawing replay is onscreen would cause issues/freeze [*] *Possible to get 100% of clothing gifts but the game does not verify it [*] Possible to unintentionally destroy a character's house after beating the game [*] Luncheon cafe is open during a critical endgame sequence where it shouldn't be [*] Possible to get stuck by using a mushroom in a remote area during a critical endgame sequence [*] In the postgame, possible to place a permanent item over a gift thus preventing 100% completion [*] Erasing a geyser while swimming in it orphaned the player in a bad place [*] Dad hints for a certain sidequest in the postgame were missing clothing names [*] Missing Mom phone text after getting 100% completion in non-english languages [*] Bad paint hitboxes on Chard&Licorice, Wielder Temple plants, and a few others [*] MANY more out of bounds fixed. There were so many, I'm sorry LOL. [/list] [i]* These changes/issues are extremely weird and rare and we couldn't necessarily reproduce them, but we made changes to prevent them from occurring that hopefully address the problem.[/i] Still more to do, but the issues are thankfully getting more and more obscure and less progress-blocking. Thank you everyone again for your amazing support of the game--this has been by far my most successful game launch ever. It's been so fun to see all your art and read our steam reviews <3