Rise to become a webstore mogul by managing your own online shop. Set prices for your products, manage inventory, hire employees, and design your online store. With strategic decisions and effective management, you will build a successful online business.
[h3]Hello future webstore mogul[/h3]
in order to involve you more in the development of the game, I would like to create status reports so that you know what the current state of ‘Webstore Mogul’ is. Many functions have already been programmed and now need performance improvements, balance adjustments or a design overhaul. [b]Especially the design is [u]not finalised yet[/u], so it still needs adjustments in all directions[/b]. Here you can give feedback, generally to everything you see.
Today we start with the status of the employees. An important aspect of the game, which extends to many sub-elements. That's why today I only want to talk about hiring new employees and managing them.
The first thing to know about employees is that they have different skills, characteristics, working hours and salary expectations, which is why they can be interesting for different jobs. So I want to ensure that an employee who is responsible for the warehouse because their skills are high can still be used for something completely different. Of course, the employee will then be significantly worse at the other job, but it should be possible. What do you think of this possibility?
In the picture below you can see a possible candidate. The important information such as name, age, working hours and of course the skills and characteristics should be listed there.[b] As I said, the design is not yet finalised.[/b]
There will be a negotiation for the salary. You have to offer the candidate what they want, otherwise you won't be able to hire them. Every candidate's salary expectations are different and you need to find out the minimum amount you can offer them. There is currently no event that is triggered if you offer far too little or too little several times. Can you imagine something good coming out of this?
If you have now hired employees, you can of course manage them. I would like to offer a cool, detailed but also manageable function for planning working hours. In the picture below you can see how I have currently implemented it. You have a line there for each employee you have hired, where you can say with one click when the employee should start work. The exact working time is then calculated based on the hours worked. Here you have to be a little careful later, depending on the employee's characteristics, they may not like working at night or too early in the morning.
This should be the first status report, the next one will deal a little more with the jobs that are currently available.
I hope you enjoyed this little report, feel free to comment if you have any feedback or would like to say something in general.
Until then
Your ReDz