Weapons Check - Reloading

Genesis Alpha One Deluxe Edition

Hyperjump into the dark recesses of space with Genesis Alpha One - a roguelike FPS where you must build, maintain and navigate your ship through a galaxy filled with hostile alien and human threats. Explore, create and survive the militarized space race in order to secure humanity’s future.

Hey everyone, A quick post to address a couple of questions around [b]reloading[/b] in Genesis Alpha One. In essence, no reload mechanic is present. However, ammo is finite and like other resources on your ship, it will have to be created through the recovery of the appropriate materials. These can be obtained either through mining on alien planets or through materials harvested by your tractor beam. If you’re lucky, downed hostiles may drop some or a cache might be found at crash sites. [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/31987798/4057342f83137b3bb652eedd370faee1342fd49a.gif[/img] As soon as you have the resources, ammo can be created in the workshop and grabbed from the nearest weapon rack, either on your ship or on the Harvester while planet-side. Just make sure you check you have enough ammo before embarking on any exploratory journey, you don’t know what you will find out there! [url=http://discord.gg/team17][img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/31987798/46005322727ccbd1cd29437995852c3f15ff6230.gif[/img][/url]