Weapon Crafting Preview

Counter Spell

"Counter Spell" combines elements of classic role playing games with modern stealth-based shooters. Single player, multiplayer coop, and competitive multiplayer are all supported with different game modes for each. An open, streaming world makes for an exciting sandbox to adventure in!

Just wanted to give you guys a quick update on the new weapon and shield crafting system: [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/8541082/f69a8370f95c32acc3b22888a2d6e74d1ea207a9.jpg[/img] A few weeks ago Hugin got me the assets for the new weapons and shields and I have been implemented the new crafting systems as well as the new melee combat system. The new crafting system will work similar to the wand crafting system where each item will take two to four components to craft: Weapons: 1. Handle 2. Blade 3. Enchantment (Optional) 4. Gem (Optional) Shields: 1. Surface 2. Boss 3. Enchantment (Optional) 4. Gem (Optional) Like with the wand crafting system the various components will contribute different things to the resulting item. For example, the handle type will determine whether the weapon is one-handed or two-handed and the blade will determine the types of attacks the weapon has. The new system will have combo attacks, charged attacks, blocking, parrying, and other new features. We're still in the early stages of getting the new systems up and running but we hope to have more news to share with you soon!