We released a new game! (+ Heal & Hurt themed item for you)

Heal & Hurt

Fight as an angel or a skeleton in this fast-paced free for all multiplayer arena shooter! Pay attention to gunfights as you can either heal or hurt your opponents!

Hello everyone! Its been a while since the last update on Heal & Hurt, we have been developing our next game The Riflemen and we are happy to announce that it is finally released. The Riflemen is a 5v5 Free to play shooter. Its fun and casual but has some tactical elements. As a thank you to all you Heal & Hurt players we wanted to give you a H&H themed dogtag in The Riflemen. When you download and log in to The Riflemen, you will find a nice dogtag waiting for you! Thanks again from everyone of us at Normogames! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42493796/b8b3d0415fd54ac8ff7e3b2ac6e56da7ac412196.jpg[/img] [previewyoutube=4rdeuV8Kruw;full][/previewyoutube]