🔴 We're live! Syder Reloaded: A First Look

Syder Reloaded

Syder Reloaded revives the Syder series in this love-letter to 90s Amiga shmups with upgraded graphics and refined gameplay. Challenging levels, a fleet of ships and a motherload of alien invaders. Get back to your roots and curse at your monitor in this skills-first shooter.

Get back to your roots and curse at your monitor in [i]Syder Reloaded[/i]. We're streaming live on Steam - discussing the development the game, the full [i]Syder[/i] series, our love for classic Amiga-era shooters and likely taking down a motherload of alien invaders in the process. [h2]What's Syder Reloaded? [/h2] [i]Syder Reloaded[/i] is the love letter to 90s Amiga shmups you've always wanted, remastering and expanding on [i]Syder Arcade[/i], the classic shoot-em-up, bullet-hell hybrid you know and love. A slew of challenging levels, a fleet of distinct ships and a motherload of alien invaders. Get back to your old-school roots and curse at your monitor in this skills-first shooter. No items to upgrade, nothing to grind through, no coins needed for continues; your progress is solely measured by your individual skill. If you're looking for a game that delivers a straight shot of nostalgia and 90s challenge, you'll find nothing better. Pick up your controller or reach for your keyboard, will you master [i]Syder Reloaded[/i]? [previewyoutube=1YZrVZ1NC4Q;full][/previewyoutube] [h2]👉 [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/1407150/Syder_Reloaded/]WISHLIST SYDER RELOADED ON STEAM[/url] 👈[/h2] [h2]Key Features:[/h2] [list] [*] [b]6 Legendary Levels:[/b] A challenging Campaign Mode packed with guns, glory, and buckets of adversity for you to overcome! [*] [b]Choose Your Ship:[/b] Even more superb starships ready to be commanded, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. Choose wisely! [*] [b]How Far Can You Go?:[/b] 3 different Survival and Challenge Mode levels, perfect for pilots wishing to showcase their skills. [*] [b]Online Leaderboards:[/b] Take control of the all-new scoring system and make your mark on the Global Leaderboards, or go personal and fight for bragging rights at the top of your friends list. [*] [b]Play with What You’ve Got:[/b] Pick up a controller or reach for your keyboard, how you play is up to you. [*] [b]Travel Back in Time:[/b] Apply a suite of retro graphic filters to change the way you see the game and bring that wonderful hit of nostalgia from the 90s! [*] [b]No Grind, Just Glory:[/b] Earn your place among the elite, winning badges and high scores based on skill and ability, not hours invested. [*] [b]Big Bosses Await:[/b] Go head-to-head against monstrously-sized ships. Will you overcome these alien invaders? [*] [b]A Challenge with Choices:[/b] Pick from up to 4 levels of difficulty, so you can set your own challenge. Rise to the maximum as you master your ship! [/list]