We're live... and kicking!

Containment Corps

The laser bow wielding security force has been called in. Fulfill your obligation to the Containment Corporation, keep the energy bases operational. Containment Corps mixes first person action with co-operative strategy and tower defense elements.

[b]Containment Corps is finally up and in the world as of today![/b] The whole team is psyched to have finally got things out to the players, but for us, the action doesn't stop there as we've got a lot in store for the coming months. [list] [*][b]Bugs, bugs, bugs[/b], are a top priority since we need to fix the little things and keep any potential game-breaking bugs from breaking things. [*][b]Maps and more maps[/b]; tweaks and fixes to the existing maps to make them flow better, and drive the gameplay up a notch, but we also have other maps already under development, which you can see glimpses of in the trailer. [*][b]Game modes and single player[/b] are something we'll be playing with over time, we've already started work on a second more mission/goal focused game modes, and making things work well for solo players is something we're looking to introduce, probably not full companion ai for a while, but we're working on it. [*][b]Keybinding(s) and full controller support[/b] has been slowly coming together in the background, but unfortunately didn't make it into release, and should be arriving anytime in the next few weeks or so. [*][b]Story and world.[/b] Both of these have been on the back seat to getting the core experience of shooting aliens and taking their stuff and are something that's planned to take a bigger role as we work on new maps, game modes, and systems. [*][b]Tutorial[/b], a thing we desperately need and other than bugs is one of the top things our designers are working on in the weeks to come. The tutorial should also hopefully include some story elements that should shed some light onto the player and why they're working for the Containment Corps. [/list] Well, [i]that's all the news[/i] on our general todo list. Since CC is a game and the team is always working to improve things, this list might change some as we rearrange what our top priorities are. We value our players (you all), so hit us up with thoughts, suggestions, or anything else on the Steam community discussion page; we'll try to get back pronto. Until next time, [i]The Nimbus Team[/i]