We're In a Film Festival!

Would You Call Him a Bad Man?

This game is the official music video for Ian Hinden's "Would You Call Him a Bad Man?" It's a fast-paced indie musical minigame collection that is part pixel art, part anime visual novel. Are you skilled enough to unlock Ava's Happy Ending?

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/45139835/7d36e1465375116d088712a39a091b9e7b3c6e87.png[/img] Oh, [i]hey[/i]! [b]Would You Call Him a Bad Man?[/b] has officially been accepted as a selection into this year's [b]Another Hole in the Head Film Festival[/b]! That means that it will be playing in a [i]real[/i] theater on a [i]real[/i] screen where [i]real[/i] hot dogs are served (Legal note: we are not legally liable for the contents of said hot dogs and "real" is not a guarantee of meat content). "[b]But how can a game be played at a film festival[/b]," your fingers were just itching to type. It's simple! The screening will be a recording of a play through of the game! That makes this the most successful [b]Let's Play[/b] of all time, as long as you don't consider 10 million views on YouTube and a movie deal to be success. Welp. The film will be screening in San Francisco on Sunday, December 15th 2024 at 13:20 PM as part of the festival's Shudders collection! We're probably the most pink film in the entire festival, but that's horror for you. It's a genre that is rarely pink. It's just not a scary color, and that's fine. Tickets can be purchased at this link [url=https://holehead2024.eventive.org/schedule/shudders-672a858c292d99009b2ec73c/tickets]Eventite Tickets[/url] Stay tuned for more updates!