We're going to Stunfest!


Solve your way through this fast-paced rogue-lite puzzle game and outwit unforgiving creatures as you venture into the mysterious Power Plant!

[img]https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/40609337/2133d775383aa570e66cbbc6ec2089b73a5d6bfd.png[/img] Hey! On May 21st we'll have the pleasure to exhibit Overhaul at Stunfest! It's one of France's biggest gaming events, mostly fighting games related but they've been hosting an indie alley for a couple years. It's our very first physical event, we can expect a few thousand people to walk down the aisle of the festival on Saturday alone. We'll also have the opportunity to meet fellow game devs and publishers. We'll also post a bunch of pictures of the event on our [url=https://twitter.com/BreadPandaGames]socials [/url]! Have a good one! 👋