We're bringing Sundered to Kickstarter! (and have confirmed our release date!)

Jotun: Valhalla Edition

Jotun is a hand-drawn action-exploration game set in Norse mythology. In Jotun, you play Thora, a Viking warrior who died an inglorious death and must prove herself to the Gods to enter Valhalla. Impress the Gods!

[url=https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/thunderlotus/1569490481?token=26e71699] [img]http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/26407997/31a87522a054c3a2cc8d15703efcb70eabaefa0c.jpg[/img][/url] [h1] [i]Sundered[/i] Is On Kickstarter! [/h1] Hey everyone! Huge news today, as we're revealing our [i]Sundered[/i] Kickstarter campaign! [url=https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/thunderlotus/1569490481?token=26e71699] --> Preview the Sundered Kickstarter campaign (and share it too!) [/url] We had a small, dedicated army of backers with us throughout the crucial testing phase of the [i]Jotun[/i] project, so we know firsthand how crucial the input of enthusiastic alpha and beta players is for making a good game [i]something special[/i]. To all the fans we've proudly recruited since day one, we want to be abundantly clear: we simply couldn't imagine completing [i]Sundered[/i] without repeating that great Kickstarter experience. In short, the campaign’s goal is to get *you* involved in the process. It's about polish, feedback and making [i]Sundered[/i] the best it can be. We hope you'll check the campaign out, consider joining us for the alpha and/or beta, and share the campaign with any you believe might be interested. [b]We'll be live on Kickstarter on January 16th[/b] - we hope to see you then! In the meantime, don't forget to click on "Notify me on launch" on our Kickstarter page so you don't miss out! [url=https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/thunderlotus/1569490481?token=26e71699] [img]http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/26407997/2d42a095dae6d30affcbbc4dbd8a5f364814936c.png[/img][/url] [h1] [i]Sundered[/i] Will Be Out This Summer! [/h1] We've included a production timeline on the Kickstarter page as well, officially revealing the release window for [i]Sundered[/i] in the process! Set some time aside during the hot summer months to delve into Sundered's dark caverns: [b]we'll be out in July 2017![/b] [url=http://store.steampowered.com/app/535480/] --> Wishlist Sundered on Steam! [/url] Cheers, #ResistOrEmbrace - Rodrigue and the Thunder Lotus Team