Surgeon Simulator

Surgeon Simulator is an over-the-top operation sim, stitching together pitch-black humour with life-saving surgery. Become Dr. Burke, a would-be surgeon with a less than conventional toolkit, as he performs procedures on patients including the Heavy from TF2! ...is that a hammer?

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/4546314/36a540fbd8aba5d3c97bafb8db48310f78f88116.png[/img] Calling ALL would-be Surgeons!! 📣 We’re back at the operating table, sewing together a few new ideas, and need a second opinion! So if you’d like to donate your bod… ahem, I mean ‘help’ us out , please email playtest@bossastudios.com!