Gravelord is a fast-paced boomer shooter voiced by a badass protagonist featuring hand-crafted levels filled with secrets and hordes of enemies to kill. Dish out some brutal carnage with powerful guns and collect Tarot Cards to gain even more killing power. Let's put the fun back in funeral!
Hi, boomer shooter fans!
First of all, we want to thank you all for playing the demo and expressing your thoughts & feelings, often in a very constructive manner! Also, when we needed to check for more details, you were very helpful and patient in providing them -- we fixed a couple of nasty bugs thanks to that!
We've gone through every single bit of feedback and decided to act on the most frequent & burning topics. Just to list a few improvements you can expect in the released game:
[*] We added an air indicator so you always know how much longer you can stay underwater.
[*] We fixed the bug that caused lights & pickups to disappear.
[*] We added weapon sway for more fluid & robust feeling when running around with weapons.
[*] Monsters no longer highlight when hit while they're already dying. Also, you can no longer lifesteal from corpses (with the Leech card, you rascals!).
[*] The spectral shovel is now much easier to use, giving you a great deal of mobility boost both in and out of combat.
[*] We improved several spots in the levels where we saw people struggle with navigation, jumping, etc.
[*] And much more...
Thank you!