We hear you.


Experience all the stages of dementia in this mood-swinging psychological horror game that we call FORGOTTEN. Travel as a fox through progressively disturbing stages searching for memories explaining the protagonist's life. Pay close attention to what the fox is trying to offer before it's too late

Even through our faults and mistakes, which most of the time were [b]meaningless [/b]and [b]dumb[/b], you enjoyed our game. It's time for us to make others enjoy it [u]the way people wanted to[/u]. [h1]Let's start with the problems[/h1] -A lot of reviews pointed out subtitles, and quite frankly we agree. We'll keep it as a priority and will keep updating you on that. -Something that was also referenced a lot was achievements. We'll keep digging on that whole achievement system until we have a good understanding and they will be added to the game. [h2]What to expect[/h2] We are not giving up on the potential this game has. Even if it has 0 replayability and even if it's short, we'll fix what we can and we'll have a game that can actually be called a game. Thank you for everything -[i]Out Of Body Experience[/i]