We are working in more games to publish soon a new game will land!!!!

Life After Death

Life After Death is a fictional survival game. Its up to you survive in this game, a challenge.

Hello friends of MoStudios and fans we are working hard to bring to you a new game nothing will be unveil instead we announce new technology approach to this game using Omniverse and Nvidia technology this new game will be the cherry top in a cake. We by the way discover some kind of bad actors trying to underrate Life After Death that is one of the best games we developed so far don't know why this bad actors are acting aggressively against our hard work but we expect your support for it we developed and actively develop worldwide in other platforms is OUR HARD WORK that gives us such inspiration so we can give you more. In this days we expect your beloved support. Have a great week and mostly top of fun is what we expect Sincerely loved one... MoStudios