We are live on Patreon

Wounded - The Beginning

Wounded is a first-person survival horror game, bringing you the old-school indie horror vibe through a detailed and eerie environment.

We’re more than happy to announce that we’re now live on Patreon. We chose this option as a main tool to connect with our community and form a double-sided interaction by updating all of our supporters and fans with behind-the-scenes content, stories of our previous experiences, important decision-making answers about our game-development phases and a lot more. Choose your plan and become a part of our journey. We appreciate your support and stay tuned for a lot of amazing things in the near future! For the first 30 days, supporters of any tier receive a free Steam key for Wounded - The Beginning, while those who choose the Contributor plan or anything higher than that receive our next upcoming game for free as well, amongst the other benefits that the particular tier provides. Support us and our next project here - https://www.patreon.com/workbenchentertainment