WATCH: The Making Of The Black Box

R.A.V.E - Real-time Audio Visual Experience

R.A.V.E is a multiplayer concert simulator for experiencing livestreamed events. Create the stage, set the lighting, and start the show! Your audience awaits.

[previewyoutube=kIXLK-OfuwU;full][/previewyoutube] The Black Box, a renowned music venue in Denver, Colorado, is recreated 1:1 inside the video game R.A.V.E. Known for hosting dubstep and bass music events, this virtual rendition captures the essence of the iconic venue to be experienced on PC/VR. Our team at Surrealist Games, LLC has spent 4 months recreating The Black Box and the surrounding streets from the ground up using Unreal Engine 4.26 and Blender. Play R.A.V.E and experience The Black Box today! The Black Box: Sub.mission: