WARRIORS OROCHI 4 Ultimate is available now!

WARRIORS OROCHI 4 Ultimate is released today! Thank you for purchasing WARRIORS OROCHI 4 Ultimate. Regarding the early purchases bonuses available until February 20, 2020: - If you purchased the game in Steam, the Gaia Bonus Costume and Bonus Mount "Infernal Black" will be automatically downloaded. - If you purchased the game as a Steam CD Key, you will need to download the Gaia Bonus Costume and Bonus Mount "Infernal Black" before February 20, 2020. The additional bonus costumes for Zhou Yu, Oichi and Da Ji will be available on February 20, 2020. Under certain circumstances, the gameplay becomes very sluggish/slow, and if the game drops in FPS, please try the following steps: (1) Start NVIDIA Control Panel. (2) Open "3D Settings" in "Select Task" and select "Manage 3D Settings". (3) Change the "Preferred Graphics Processor" setting to "High Performance NVIDIA Processor" on the "Global Settings" tab and click Apply. (4) Restart the game.