Wander Stars Demo 1.0.3 patch notes

Wander Stars

Unleash custom attacks by combining words in this Super! Anime! Turn-Based! RPG! Collect all 200 words, earn Pep Ups from honorable victories and become a Kiai master. Befriend your rivals, uncover dark mysteries, and seek out the pieces of the Wanderstar map in a wild race across the universe.

Hi there, wanderers! Here are the changes and fixes for the new version: [list] [*] Spamming the peace button no longer softlocks combat with mouse and controllers. [*] Fixed two typos. One for Greyjoe's barks, another for "EVENT#106 - Grandma calling". [*] Added a fix for a softlock happening late in the demo where characters fail to show up in combat. [*] Ctrl key no longer speeds up animations for combat and map. It is still available for cutscene skipping however. [*] Fixed an issue with the Kingjoe enemy, they would use RETIRE randomly and leave the fight? [*] Action words from pep ups now look different when not equipped or equipped. [*] Fixed a bug in the words menu where pep up words refused to be cleared up from the equipped side of the menu. [*] Fixed a bug in combat with certain pep up action words that would refuse to work when pressing the OK button to execute an action. [*] Added a fix for boss zone UI that would not show up for some players. [*] Fixed a rare instance where using JAB against a boss would trigger the Boss impact frame vfx for the first hit and softlock after the second hit. [*] Improved treasure space item drop randomization. [*] Fixed an issue when discarding items and canceling would not let you use the item afterwards and basically waste it. [*] Fixed an issue where previous plays would save user display settings. Forcing 16:9 aspect ratio caused issues with players that had already played on 1.0.1 before the fix. [*] Entering the display menu in settings no longer takes you out of fullscreen. [*] It is now possible to change resolution values in the settings menu for 16:9 aspect ratios. (Other aspect ratios not supported yet). [*] Added a "Wishlist" button and a "Main Menu" button when the demo is over. [/list] This is a game in development, and we encourage any feedback you can give us to improve the game even more! Please use the [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/1575810/discussions/0/4363502351657577339/]Steam general discussions[/url] or our [url=https://discord.gg/papercastle]discord server[/url] to reach us directly. Paper Castle [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41409318/78582d05300259c1aad8773f577862e774846a22.png[/img]