Wacky Cartoon Racers - Price Change

Wacky Cartoon Racers

Play with a bunch of fun cartoon characters in a racing event for the Grand Prize of all Cartoon Land.

Thankyou for your interest in Wacky Cartoon Racers. The software we are using is having issues (it's their fault, not ours), so we will not be able to make multiplayer or other planned features we had hoped for in this game. It's been almost 2 years, so we are deciding to move on from this specific and unnamed software. [b]As compensation, we feel it is only fair we drop the price of this game from the original $10 down to a low 99 cents.[/b] Wacky Cartoon Racers will be released in 2021, and a future remake is planned in 3D, with multiplayer and much improved options. Thankyou