VR Walk Simulator

Mocap Fusion [ VR ] Playtest

[b]VR Walk System[/b] (beta) [i]As the player walks in a circle the avatar walks in a straight line:[/i] [previewyoutube=vOTOF2D2qus;full][/previewyoutube] This feature allows users to create walking and running animations that cover a very large distance but are a contentious recorded animation and gives the impression that the motion capture was recorded in a large studio, This feature was designed for a playspace of at least 10' x 10' , any less and you will notice the rotation since the users is spinning around the small radius and will make you dizzy really quick, but with larger playspace then yeah you could explore the world with a contentious full body tracked mocap animation and would barely notice any counter rotation, for warehouse-sized playspace (30' x 30') this feature would really rock! Includes the newer generation fully animated UI with a custom shader viewport system: [img]https://i.imgur.com/xfzZROf.gif[/img] For hallways make sure to enable the [b]Lock Path[/b] and [b]Look Turn[/b] options so you can set the path angle by pressing trigger, then the avatar will walk along the designated path: [i][previewyoutube=ecvkL1LMC6o;full][/previewyoutube] This feature works best in maps of corridors and hallways where the parallax is very low, try to avoid large open maps to avoid motion sickness.[/i]