VR Crash Hotfix (Remember 8089 is coming out soon!)

5089: The Action RPG

5089 is a deep & complex action RPG featuring strong sandbox roots. VR is supported, but not required. Watch the tutorial & VR videos next to the trailer! Everything is procedurally generated, like terrain, enemies, weapons, items & quests. Planet Xax's war rages on... how is that possible?

This small update includes the fix seen here: https://steamcommunity.com/app/414510/discussions/1/3110266679773297221/#c3156453942260191711 If you are looking for a more modern VR open-world action RPG, 8089 is right around the corner! It uses an updated OpenXR system with much better compatibility and features. I hope you give it a wishlist! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1593280/8089_The_Next_Action_RPG/