Vote & Win! Painkiller Hell & Damnation Community Vote!

Painkiller: Recurring Evil

Battle never ceases in the realm known as Hell. This time around it's a battle for the freedom of your very soul. Will you be able to escape from the prison hidden in the darkest deepest chasm of Hell? Do you have enough courage to travel through the most dangerous and twisted areas, infamous for their unsafety, even among demons...

Dear Painkiller fans, For the next 7 hours, Painkiller Hell & Damnation is part of the Holiday sale Community Votes. Visit our facebook page ( ), like or share our post about the Community vote and vote for the game on the Steam landing page ( IF WE WIN THE VOTE, we will randomly give away 10 Painkiller Hell & Damnation Collector's Edition keys via Facebook for free! Thank you for your support Cheers Your Nordic Games Team