Voice Commands & Quality of Life Improvements

Powerboat VR

Take the helm of a variety of different ocean vessels from small sport boats all the way up to large commercial vessels. Dynamic seas, Day/Night cycle, RADAR, GPS, "IALA A" Buoyage with NavAid/AtoN lighting systems provide a realistic sailing environment. VR & Non-VR modes supported.

This update brings together a number of important additions to Powerboat VR and sets them live in the public build. [b][u]Voice Commands[/u][/b] You can now control many different aspects of your ship using built in voice recognition. Obviously you will need a working microphone to make use of this update but it is perfect for those who want to run their ships from their "Captain's Chair" rather than take direct control. It is also an accessibility feature with the idea of being able to control everything via voice commands. Please see the forum and the guides section for a list of current voice commands. [u][b]Time Acceleration[/b][/u] You can now cycle between 1x - 8x time acceleration using the "Page Up" or "Page Down" keys. You can also adjust the time acceleration in the "Game Settings" menu. [u][b]Relative/Sticky Controls - Non VR Only[/b][/u] You can now toggle between "Absolute" and "Relative" steering/throttle controls by pressing the "r" key. Absolute controls are always on by default and work just the same as before. Relative controls allow you to set the steering or throttle to a specific value where it will be held until you adjust it. It is roughly equivalent to "non follow-up steering" on a real ship or how the steering & throttle work in VR mode and also another accessibility feature. [u][b]Other Updates/Fixes[/b][/u] 1. Palm trees are back! I accidentally hid them! 2. Clouds have been improved 3. Bluefin has had its centre of gravity altered to help keep its stern in the water on tight turns. 4. The new Cuttlefish is fully operational. 5. Swapping to a different owned ship will automatically align it with the port correctly.