Viticulture News

Viticulture Essential Edition

This is the official digital adaption of the boardgame Viticulture by Jamey Stegmaier & Alan Stone.

[h2]Hello everyone![/h2] In this short video we want to show you the [b]upcoming new options for placing workers[/b]. There are also detailed descriptions of actions and workers to serve as a reminder or to help new players. [previewyoutube=cY71PGtL-9A;full][/previewyoutube] You might have noticed that the footage is from a game with [b]Tuscany features[/b]. We know that many of you are already waiting for the Tuscany expansion. We're preparing the game for release right now, and we still have a few important final steps to take. [b]We hope to be able to share the expansion with you this February.[/b] Your DIGIDICED Team