VITATIO 3 - Local Multiplayer Update


VITATIO 3 brings a new take on the precision game genre, traverse your physics based ship through the asteroid belt in this infinite running score based avoidance game, upgrade your ship, unlock new paint jobs and customize your cockpit

Hi Guys, I've released a new update today to include local multiplayer PVP and CO-OP You can compete against each other in head to head or work together to earn as many points as possible for the highest co-op score Player 1 uses the mouse and player 2 uses a controller, it's done this way so that players who only own one controller can play multiplayer modes Battle Mode: 2 ships traverse an asteroid belt and gain a point for every asteroid avoided COOP Mode: Both players work together, each ship gets 1 point for every asteroid avoided so it's in the best interest for both players to survive as long as possible Hotfixes: [list] [*]Asteroids now correctly remove themselves outside of the screen to increase performance [/list]