Vez'nan and Denas Interview 👑

Kingdom Rush 5: Alliance TD

While a formidable evil emerges, an unexpected alliance is taking shape! It will take the finest warriors of Linirea and the relentless Dark Army to stop it. Beware! Though they may journey side by side the ever-changing winds of fate could swiftly alter their course.

I can't believe it! It's THE GENERAL! I have to say I’m a big fan. You're the Kingdom's hero! Don't you get swarmed with autograph requests every time you step out the door? [url={STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44971628/c98c52948edcb136538fc9265bd80c304df6d918.png][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44971628/fb97396d0653efbc5575083ca9178875b70764d4.png[/img][/url] Let me regain my composure and tell you all about the Kingdom's state... With the threat from the Overseer now vanquished and King Denas restored, the atmosphere in Linirea is positively electric. The unity forged within the Alliance has profoundly impacted the realm's harmony. Despite my ongoing recovery from the battlefield injuries I sustained, I am back with an exclusive interview featuring none other than the Dark Lord and King Denas. Let's see what the big-shot leaders have to say! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44971628/bf0d3f771a504eff0d1bef7da32e97bc857dd924.png[/img] [b]Sheepy: [/b]“Let’s start with the questions everyone is asking. Will the Alliance remain now that the Overseer's defeated?” [b]Denas: [/b]“People that toast together, triumph together, I always say! And our armies have surely done a lot of toasting and bonding over the endless celebrations of victory. They are like to reunite to face any shared foes!" [b]Vez'nan: [/b]"If they wish to band together once again, I would not object." [b]Sheepy:[/b] “Denas, how does it feel to once again ascend to the throne?” [b]Denas: [/b]“I'm back with a bang! I learned some solid life lessons - like partying while there's a big-eye monstrosity is dwelling in your basement is a bad idea. See this toned bod? Top-notch shape! And take a look at this beauty of a magic sword to match - none other than the Sword of Elynie!" Denas swung the magical sword extravagantly in the air. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44971628/241897ffb16aabcdf74041b340e5eaa48a8e16c2.gif[/img] [b]Vez’nan: [/b]“Yes, yes, we all saw it, very nice … as for myself, I have more important matters to attend to. Pacts to sign, powers to absorb, curses to challenge. True knowledge, might and magic. Not politics.” [b]Sheepy: [/b]"How do the other Realms in the Kingdom fare?" [b]Denas: [/b]“We signed a treatise. Hammerhold shall be liberated, Malik appointed as their ruler. The North and Dwarven territories are to be returned to their rightful inhabitants. The lands beyond the mountains will stay under Vez'nan's reign, but we must enact laws to curb the surge in undead numbers.” [b]Vez’nan:[/b] "More politics. Yet again, I'm dragged into earthly affairs." [b]Sheepy: [/b]“One final inquiry for the Dark Lord. Your understanding of the Void was crucial in our triumph. How did you get such knowledge?" [b]Vez’nan: [/b]“My sources run deep, delving into shadows long forgotten. In my youth, I crossed paths with the Overseer himself...but that is a story for another time. I have matters to attend now.” [b]Denas:[/b] “What a cliffhanger! You always knew how to be mysterious, dear foe!” [url={STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44971628/1738a5382a02b1ef39e11d6f162104cc7a0576c0.png][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44971628/3e4c01e3e0553d27225497db179c9d6c0319d3c7.png[/img][/url] So, there you have it! It appears that the Kingdom has at long last found peace. It sounds almost TOO good to be true, doesn't it? But enough dwelling on uncertainties, let us savor this peace while it lasts. Before I go... General, would you mind autographing my tie? [i]Sheepy out![/i] [b]Haven't saved the day yet? [/b][h3]Get Kingdom Rush 5: Alliance now![/h3]